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Partially Hydrogenated Oil Kills Americans and Aliens

DO NOT EAT Partially Hydrogenated Oils (a/k/a "Trans Fat").

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Location: Montgomery Center, Vermont, United States

01 April 2005

BAN partially hydrogenated oil.

Watch out! Many products have labels saying they have zero grams of trans fat, but you will see from the list of ingredients that they still contain partially hydrogenated oil. That's because under FDA regulations "if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero." Suppose a product contains 0.4 grams per serving and you eat four servings (which is not uncommon). You have just consumed 1.6 grams of trans fat, despite the fact that the package claims that the product contains zero grams of trans fat per serving. It's a very bad rule that should be changed!


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